Water4All is a new water billing discount program designed to create more equitable access to water assistance for more Baltimore City residents. Ordinance 20-468, the Water Accountability and Equity Act, is a comprehensive law that provides for an Office of Water-Customer Advocacy and Appeals, a Committee for Office Oversight, a right to administrative and judicial appeals, a Water4All discount program, and a fair process for customers before water services are cut off or liens imposed.
Baltimore City residential households whose income is below 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL) may be eligible. A formula is used to calculate the maximum a household should pay for annual water and sewer services, based on a percentage of their annual income; the difference between the calculated maximum and the estimated annual water and sewer bill amount would constitute the household´s annual discount.
Residents may be eligible to receive Water4All assistance if:
In addition to a Water4All discount, some applicants may be eligible to receive a retro-active payment equal to 9 months of their discount if they apply for the Water4All discount program before April 1st.